Certification Extensions & Cancellation of Courses due to COVID-19
The response to the COVID-19 virus has resulted in many questions. CAOHC understands many courses have been cancelled or will be cancelled as a result of government efforts to limit the spread of disease. While considering the well-being of our community, CAOHC will be immediately implementing the following:
All OHC certifications that were current between March 16, 2020 and March 30, 2021 have automatically been extended until March 31, 2021. All other OHC expiration dates will remain the same.
If a longer OHC extension is needed, please fill out an extension form on the CAOHC website by clicking here.
If an OHC needs to cancel attendance at a course, please contact the course director directly. Course Directors information can be found by clicking here.
Any Course Directors (CDs) or Professional Supervisors (PS’s) that expired between March 16, 2020 and December 30, 2020, has automatically been extended until the end of the year (until December 31, 2020). All other CD/PS expiration dates will remain the same.
Classes offered by Workplace INTEGRA: WPI CAOHC SCHEDULE
For any questions, please contact CAOHC. Info@caohc.org or 414 276 5338