I would like to announce my retirement from Workplace Integra, effective March 31, 2021. Although it has been 20 years, it seems like just yesterday when George Cook, Joan Evangelista and I founded Workplace Integra. We have always been guided by a principled approach of honesty, integrity and a feeling of being a part of something special. We are more than a company that performs hearing testing – we are a company that believes in hearing conservation. It’s a subtle difference, but an important one. By focusing on hearing conservation, we strived to emphasize improving our client’s employee’s quality of life by preserving their hearing well into their later years.
Over the past 20 years, I have had the pleasure of working with a fantastic group of employees. I am proud of what we all accomplished together and the bonds we built with our clients and business partners. I will always cherish my time with Workplace Integra and the many relationships and friendships formed over the years.
While I am moving on to my hobbies and attempting to improve my golf game, I will continue to support Workplace Integra in a consulting role as they continue to offer quality software, mobile testing and audiological consulting services.
David Pinchot, Director of Information Services