A tone-deaf teenager who spent weeks in hospital with concussion injuries has since discovered the ability to play 13 musical instruments.
Lachlan Connors, 19, from Denver, tried to learn to play the piano before his injuries, but found he had no aptitude for music.
“He really had no talent,” his mother Elsie Hamilton told CBS4.
“I would say: ‘Can’t you hear what’s next?’ (while Lachlan played) something like Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and he said: ‘No’.”
Lachlan was a keen sportsman. He loved to play lacrosse, and hoped to play professionally one day.
However, a series of concussion injuries on the field led to seizures and eventually hospital.
“I fell backwards and hit the back of my head on the ground. I remember getting up and feeling really dazed. I didn’t really understand something bad had happened,” Lachlan said.
See full article here.