Workplace INTEGRA, Inc has just finalized its 2013 CAOHC training schedule. New locations on the 2013 schedule: Tallahassee, FL, Columbus, GA, and adding a class in New Orleans, LA
Here are the dates and locations for the first quarter of 2013:
Certification Re-Certification
January 9-11 Toledo, OH 1/10
January 9-11 Greensboro, NC 1/10
January 23-25 New Orleans, LA 1/24
February 6-8 Louisville, KY 2/7
February 12-14 Greenville, SC 2/13
March 6-8 Indianapolis, IN 3/7
March 13-15 Greensboro, NC 3/14
March 20-22 Bloomington, IL 3/21
March 20-22 Tallahassee, FL 3/21
Look for the entire 2013 schedule soon at