35th Annual Tennessee Safety and Health Congress

Come out and celebrate the 35th year of The Tennessee Safety & Health Congress at the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center in Nashville, TN.  This year the Congress runs from July 22-July 25th.

Workplace Integra will be set up in booth number 206.  Stop by for a chance to win a gasoline gift card, take a look at Workplace Applications software or INTEGRAfit.  We can also discuss any specific needs you have in the area of hearing conservation, such as sound surveys or mobile audiometric testing


LIKE US on Facebook and receive a gift when you visit us at the booth.

Need a FREE Pass?

The Tennessee Safety & Health Congress provides FREE guest passes that exhibitors can give away. The FREE PASS is good for Tuesday July 24, 2012 from 8:45 AM till 3:30 PM for the Exhibit Area only. 

If you would like to go, please send us an e-mail: jkurzec@wpintegra.com.  Passes will be mailed on a first request basis. You may request as many passes as you need, however the number of passes sent will depend on availability. Please provide a mailing address, number of passes needed, phone number in the e-mail and please title the e-mail: TN FREE PASS REQUEST.  You do not need to be a current Workplace INTEGRA, Inc. client to receive these FREE PASSES. 

The TN Safety Congress home page is here.

The List of Exhibitors is here.