Hearing Loss in the Workplace

BHI speaks out on importance of addressing hearing loss in the workplace
June 18, 2012
As more people experience age-related hearing loss at younger ages—and as more workers put off retirement and stay in the workforce longer—it is incumbent upon America’s employers to recognize the financial and human-resource value of addressing hearing loss in the workplace.

This week the Better Hearing Institute spoke out in McClatchy Newspapers on the dollars and sense of why employers need to make hearing health a workplace wellness priority. “The financial and human resource risks of leaving hearing loss unaddressed in the workplace have never been so high,” wrote Sergei Kochkin, PhD, BHI’s Executive Director.

We encourage you to read the full article and to share the link to encourage America’s business community to recognize “the benefits that hearing health and proper hearing health care bring to both the employee and to the company’s bottom line.”